Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Second Night of Spring

At around nine I decided to go out behind my house and look at the stars. Thanks to the tiny ranch behind my house, I was given an unobstructed view of the eastern sky. The other directions were problematic due to my neighbor's trees and, of course, my own house. Conditions were optimal for star gazing: cool, no mosquitos, zero clouds, fairly faint light pollution, relatively small pollen count. The waxing crescent moon and Venus radiated so brightly that I could barely make out Aries. I was really confused when I noticed that the moon was above Venus. They switched places! The fact that the vernal equinox occurred last night went totally over my head. But there it was. The now-spring sky disoriented my a bit. It has been a little while since my last observation, and everything seemed tilted downward somewhat, If you know what I mean. I could easily spot Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka and make out the rest of Orion, but it took me a while to completely visualize Taurus. Eventually, I put two and two together by finding the points of its horns and Aldebaran. Taurus' body was a bit faint though. From there I spotted the Pleides and Auriga. Then I observed Castor, Pollux,Sirius, and Canis Minor. Overall, despite my limited viewing range, I was content with my observation session. Good way to hail spring, I guess.


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